I remember few months back, i posted on how dissapointedof me towards myself. yes. its was because of violin exam. 

i was so nervous that my bow cant even stay still especially during scales. and that's not the worst part. the worse part was, i totally screwed my pieces up. that's what i think at least. i put in so much effort, i wanted distinction coz i know i can get that if i practice enough. and that of what i did in the exam room, really made myself down, i was so disappointed to myself coz i know i can do SO MUCH better than that. and yeah. the main reason was i thought i'd never get distinction. 

i'm a kiasu person, sometimes, as u can see.  -.-

frankly, i even overpracticed for this. until my muscles ache like mad. 

and idk how many times i have to say this but it really took me a week at least, to feel ABIT! better. ofcourse that would be longer without wongfuproductions :D speaking of wongfu, IM SO EXCITED THAT THEY'RE IN TAIWAN FOR LEEHOM'S MV ;DDDDDDDDDDD

anyways, i think most of u awesome peeps arnd me know, i get distinction for it. :D actually, when my bro sms-ed me, i was watching jonny english. i actually had not much feelings getting distinction. but it was indeed a surprise for me as i totally gave my hope up of getting distinction. 


P/S: i love my PM14 and Grp6 too :D


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