
1week, passed. this time, imma say, time's like a rocket. 

i feel SO guilty where i actually kinda wasted my weekdays for not pay attention when im studying, wasting so much time. studying the same blardie old thing, over and over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN! its just so sickening when u knew that u stddied so many times, and those blardie things cant even go into your head, rebecca black's song ALMOST went in instead ==. and when it comes to ques, OMG! cant even answer... seriously but WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME????????????


this aint like AS, that i can brush up even in one day. its not to say totally new things, i mean some of them we did studied in SPM ... and even SPM is MORE DETAIL than A2, to be more specific, bio. but guess what, i really have to thank those ang moh(s) that they didnt include those things that we studied memorised in SPM in our A2 syllabus. coz im already half dead without those things included. but frankly speaking, i don't think that A2 core is hard. but application, i totally sucked at it. so.. i think that's what makes A2 hard. 


my trials' starting on wednesday, 1 day later than those who're taking physics and mine ends 2 days before them. should i be grateful about it..??? coz i know that i won't be studying by then. instead, practising my piano..?? wtf. im just like this. during AS finals, when people are studying for exam, im practising the piano for the year end performance. wth. when im having music exam, i'd prefer to study... not about music, but school's syllabus. damn.


btw, i went for the imu interview. before that, i was praying for things go on well on that day. the interview was normal, somehow, i felt as if im talking with new friends..?? introducing myself to some strangers...? i dont know.... as i said, if i dont get it, imma pick a nice building and jump down from the highest floor. back to topic.


After the interview, when i came out from the interview room, i found out that MY IC'S LOST!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!! that's like the worst thing can happen to me during my interview day right...??? i wasnt panic at that time, i was chill, and searching for my ic. but when my mom knew about it, she striaght away shouted at me in the admin office itself. wtf. things went worse when im home after my piano lesson. coz my dad, the king of exaggerating, exagerate the consequences of me losing my ic. first it was not accepted by imu, then becoming irresponsible doctor that simply pass the P&C documents to other ppl, then pass the chemical onto ppl's hand coz need to go toilet, and that smart ass actually injected the so called chemical into the patient that he shouldn't. after that, there comes the insulting session, since exaggerating session's over. TO SHINE LIKE A DIAMOND OR TO BE A ROTTING STONE LIKE U(me)! of course, this is not the only one, but there's still much more. just that this is the epic ones that i remember the most. after that, combo. BOTH OF THEM SCOLDED TOGETHER. it's really dramatic. but seriously, both of them shouted at me at the same time, and paused at the same time. LOL


and fortunately, imu found my IC. i mean, that was expected because normally wealthy students in imu wont do that. and, i doubt that they actually know the use of getting other ppl's ic...?? even if they know, they wont be doing such problematic things as they are SO BUSY of their studies. the consequeces are quite complicated too. owh and, tho i said that found back ic was expected, but actually i was kinda worried if it wasnt found. THANKS TO MY PARENTS FOR THE EXAGGERATING SESSION~ omg that session seriosly was like machine gun, they yelled non stop. and too much of insulting and yelling, of course, i cried ~.~

btw, they called my mom. and yeah, my parents stop nagging me abt that. == and that day itself, we went Deng Tai Fung in empire for our dinner. wtf. 


speaking of that, im hungry agn.. and its 2am now. GOSH! I HAVE TO GET BACK TO BIO NOW!!!

chao peeps =D


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