okay. so, i know i'd been real emo for these few days. over some stupid little unpleasant things, that i cared alot, desperate of, i wanted that alot. but the moment when it ended, i realize, its impossible to get that. anymore. i thought lying to myself will make me feel better, but it didn't. the thing is, i know i'm lying. and the stupidest thing u can do to yourself is, lying to yourself. and i actually did that. wow. great one m2!
sometimes, people tend to do stupid things just to get over it. but they never realize that things they're doing are actually the stupidest thing ever just to get over it. gah. ==
and yeah, as i said, first, i lied to myself, i told myself it'd be okay, but i know it won't. i won't get what i wanted so much based on what just happened. friends that i told them about the incident, told me the same thing. 'nahh~ it'll be okay. the others oso okay wert...' that time, i was really speechless when they told me the same thing. i went speechless is because i was really dissappointed over myself. why they hell i think that much before that. u get what i mean?
anyways, i took me 2 days to get over it. guess how. 2 days, watching wongfu's vid. like, all day??? YEAH ALL DAY!!! and im addicted to it now. lol. i wasn't a huge fan of them before this. i mean, i dont go crazy over their vid. but things seems the other way round now. hehe. 3 funny guys. :P never get sick of them.