
"Study's a very hard thing to do u know? u must be determined and discplined enough to clear your mind out and sit down there and study" - Ms annie

frankly, i didnt really get what she meant until recently. i mean, why is it so hard to sit down, and clear my mind off and study? why is that so hard? it's either im distracted or i feel sleepy a few minutes later. and then, wtv i read are outta my mind. 

it's like i can do anything for HOURS than studying. i can stare at some white boring plain wall for hours than studying efficiently, i can watch tv and rmb everything there than studying efficiently, i can youtube for hours, i can fb for hours, i can chat for hours, etc. 

anything but studying efficiently. W.H.Y!

its depressing realizing the fact that people studying so much lesser than u, and they can remember things better, u studied more, but u remember nothing. feeling like an useless bimbo facing the stack of notes and remember nothing. 

P/S: this is not an emo post. 
its more of a bitching ones.  


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