hey people!!!
i've noticed something!!!!!
AFTER im in college, im becoming:
HYPER-ACTIVE,everyday laugh till stomach ache
DARKER(everyday walk under the hot sun to search for food),
THREE-EIGHT, SIAO ZABO(since my classmates sot sot dei oso),
FATTER( everyday eat eat eat ofcourse lar. ju yinn lar.. HAHAHAHAHA!!! ),
more n more EXHAUSTED( lack of sleep everyday.. mayb im hyper everyday)
DESPERATE (i start to so called stalk ppl. because of lisa XD)
omg i ... ok nvm
compared to the Michelle Too Ee Shan that WAS in U8 those days, if u get a chance to talk with me or wtv, erm, i will feel that im already a different person. (coz me myself feel that. ^^)
yeap and these are me. =.=''