
march 18, CAL's professional dev day, which all the teachers have to attend... classes??? wtv u call that shit as. xD

instead of staying at home, sleep till 11am, i had to wake up as usual, from my warm bed... :( frankly speaking, i kinda regret that i signed up myself for this... ... event. yea. event.

and we're supposed to be there by 8, and the bus' supposed to leave at SHARP 8. but.. u know, msian timing, we get up the bus only at 8.30. wtf. then.. the 3 guys, the inferiors ( ms annie's fav word to describe males xD) ffk-ed. wtf. seriously ffk-ed. and they paid lima belas ringgit for that! at least yy took his t-shirt. xD and kumar. i think. anyways, 3 girls, represented the pm14. =D all girls in our bio class, PRESENT! and non of the guys present. xD

btw, overall the science thing was fun! i mean, we getta make candy FOR THE 1ST TIME MANN!!! i know i sound like a jacoon here, but, how often do u actually get a chance to make candy...??? even a person who work in a candy shop dont actually have a chance to do that. btw, i LOVE making candy =D





so cool right???? owh and one more, the... kinda failure wan ==




and this is where we so called replenished ourselves in the library.. erm its basically just sitting there, and looking out of the library, searching for hawt guys xD DESPO! yes. DESPO SIAL!


okay. so, basically, the whole trip is full of wtf. i mean, u getta see some interesting equipments, owh and we actually made paracetamol. and did half of the electrophoresis! xD  just that we didnt get to see the results coz it takes really long time. 

each of this... pipette cost at least 1K, so... its basically 5K there. or more than that... :O  the 2 leng lui(S). im not in it coz im not leng lui. =D

and that's the end i think. i lazy to put other pics up here. if u're interested with those pics, feel free to check out my fb album NEVER been so JACOON before


owh before i forget, since the title was day with full of quotes, so they are :

-so near yet so far

-if u're the bull, HOW DO U EVEN SHIT? nahhh!!! there's so many sciences behind that * people claps*

-omg! not bad ar!!! ...................................... im replenishing!!!!! xD

-what a fattening day but yet so fat burning. (coz we kept climbing up the stairs xD)


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