They say its the year that the world would end. apparently, no. im still alive. and for that day, i remember i tweeted this pic, and shuwhey said she like this expression alot. actually, this pose was inspired of her 'wtf-wtv-ur-such-an-idiot' pose. :P
'its 2012 and im still alive like duhhhh'
it was indeed an.... interesting year...??? and yes, been through tonnes of ups and downs, as in non-PMS related ups and downs, if u get what i mean.
its 31/12/12. its the last day of 2012. (oh shut up of course you people know its the last day of 2012 -.-)
i feel kind of sad actually, (again, non-PMS related feelings). the fact that i've known so many more people that i've been wanting to know, how hard i fell and how hard i tried to get up. it ain't an easy thing to do u know? and such an awesome year, ended just like this. it was colourful year. it was. compared to 2011, which is more of a ... bright piece of art, this is as what i described, colourful. those colours, they fit each other so well. such piece of art with such harmony of colour, it's beautiful. :)
well, things i learnt this year, work your ass off smartly to get what you want. which is... true. but make sure that you are who you are when u're dealing with such thing. if it ain't your thang, shut up and do what u're suppose to do at that time. easy. follow your heart.
second thing, lies.
well, its somehow easy for me to know people are lying, when they are lying at that moment. but people never get it when im lying. smart move huh? :P well thats because... i barely lie to outsiders, coz i dont talk much to them. an entertaining smile and those 'yeah hahahhhhh', 'liddet lohhh hahahahhhh' and those unwilling 'hehhhsssss' simply shut them outta my world. HOWEVER, people i know who i talk to them, i know you are lying when you are. :) the reason i dont bust your lies, its that im lazy, and im tired to argue. when you lies, i know, and i'll shut up that onwards.
third thing, entertainers.
im sure there ARE people around you who are your entertainer/treat you as their entertainer. by that i mean, 'fake friends'. those who give you good words, when you're some deep shit and u stinks. for such people, easy, give an eye for an eye. they are just so complicated that they don't worth you to waste ur time, treating them as ur what, like buddies whom you'd die for? nah, forget about it. that'll never happen. not trying to be inappropriate, but think about it, they are just treating you as a sex toy. they need you, they'll be there for you; they dont need you, they'll get lost, and YOU, u'll always be there for them. u're nothing but their sexy toy. unless u're willing to do so. i wont.
etc, etc, etc, for things i learnt throughout the year. it'll be a mil word post of i cont -.-
im lazy to type anymore. let the pics do the job instead. :)
spot was mine. WAS. im still pissed about it!
proudly showing off my wes' signature HAHAHA, and a long-time-no-see-friend :D
not to mention i hugged both wes and phil >:D *happy dance*
u can read the poster behind, dont you? :P
owh the Myanmar water festival, new year for them :) i know, this pic is interesting :D
you know where it is :)
met up with da niao :) and i still miss his sampatness :P most of us does i believe .
some gangnam moments. and i know im fugly. :P I KNOW!
PM14 girls reunion. (sexist much eh? :P) and its all because dearest kong is leaving to UK.
never thought i'd be one of the 'first aid team'. im literally inexperienced. zero!
and the OC team! amazing!!!! :D
the babies and the fake babies! :D
ignore everything but the surf board, best group flag ever. isnt it amazing? :D P/S: it was really hot that day. burning hot!
and theres my awesome KKB room mates :) KKB was fun :D
and the day i turn 20.
and this, pretty much sums up my year, 2012 :)
interesting right?