- Jun 13 Fri 2014 23:23
- Jun 08 Sun 2014 12:18
I miss you.
- May 25 Sun 2014 08:59
- May 02 Fri 2014 19:38
- Feb 22 Sat 2014 17:04
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 11:37
All of me
- Feb 17 Mon 2014 12:00
Nice guy.
- Jan 23 Thu 2014 13:08
有位朋友说过' it's good to do something to brighten up somebody's day'
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 01:31
13 before 14.
It's been a must I post article about reviews of the year eversince I blog just for me to recap what I've done throughout the year.
It's funny how this year treated me. I remember things didn't ended well last year and it quickly started.. horribly? Year started with exams then class immediately after it (only in IMU ME211 -.-). Honestly, IMU, stop doing things like these and expect your students to concentrate/do their work properly in class (especially PBLs) in situations like this because we WON'T and you knew it, AND STOP ASKING US WHY, BECAUSE YOU KNEW.
Then those postings. We had great time not going to uni I'd say Thanks for giving us those opportunity?
It's fun knowing more people and knowing people more.
Then there comes those annoying issues. But that time was so close to exam and the amount of stress managed to distract me from it temporary. Immediately after the exams, those emotions, sip in little by little, day by day, it's becoming so strong I can barely handle and I broke down eventually. I was too tired of it. Ever tried to give things up but you can't? That was what I was going through for the past few months.
You always need a solid reason to give things up, at least I'm one of them. Or, you at least need that 'something' to stop you from doing whatever you're doing unintentionally that you eventually realize you've been doing all these while.
Things weren't that low for the past year I'd say. There's nothing significant that defeated me till I need time to get up from it. If you're to describe it as a painting, this will be more of a red, pink, grey, and blue splattered all over like those modern paintings.
2013 have been treating me good overall. All I need to worry were only studies, results and how to give things up.
One thing I love about this year was how stable my relationship going with that 2 girls. When things get fucked up, they'll always be by my side with their words. Well, I do know people that thought that 3 of us LOOKS close but we're actually not. Don't think too much people. We have lots of similarities and one of them is we like having some personal space, for us to breathe, some privacy. We're those type of people who can't stand facing the same people 24/7 365 days and we LOVE being alone at certain specific time. So whatever you see, is what we are. I've always feel lucky to have them in my uni life, person whom I feel comfortable with, I can just say whatever and do whatever I want in front of them. It's really hard to find someone you feel comfortable to be with in your life. They're just so unique and that's the only word able to describe them. And yeah, you can call 3 of us freaks 'coz we do act like one most of the time.
It's hard to find someone you love and you're manage to maintain your relationship as a friend but somewhere in your heart, you've already treat them, love them like a family. I'm glad that I'm sure that there's AT LEAST 5 I have.
The world is full of love and what I noticed was people tend to neglect the love in them. Perhaps they were too distracted by their emotions towards other things. I was one of them some part of the year. But I learnt. I learnt to look things at a different perspective. I learnt to not get obssessed over small things and end up suffer from what I thought/expect things suppose to be. I learnt to give things up and thank God, things ended well just in time, just before the year ends.
I'm grateful. :)
Especially with the accompany of these people.
3 freaks
The legendary 3 flowers and 3 grasses
Happy faces :D
- Dec 29 Sun 2013 00:56
- Nov 23 Sat 2013 00:36
The 21st November 21st.
Nov 21st.
The day I turn 21.
It's the day OSCE ends, the end of Phase 1.
Speaking of OSCE, it was horribly done I'd say. Questions weren't that hard to be honest, it was direct in fact (except a few). I just don't know how can I perform such horribly especially in front of those lecturers whom I really look up to. Yes I regret for slacking during the OSCE night. I saw this coming and in fact i did nothing about it. My bad.
Anyway, back to the day.
SO AFTER THE EXAM, straight to the birthday/post-exam celebrations.
There ain't no great huge party like how other 21 bday celebrations. 'Coz I'm too lazy for it. Those who know me well will know that I'm a lazy bump and I just hate planning things especially for myself. (You certainly can't expect much from a person who's lazy to even think of what to eat for daily lunch/dinner)
Thanks for those who celebrated with me no matter what's the story behind that you appeared that time, Thank you. I really appreciate your effort. As for those who didn't appear but wanted to appear (you know who you are), don't feel bad about it. It's the heart that counts. :)
Both lunch and dinner were great.
It was tiring as I never had more than 4 hours sleep for the past... God-knows-how-long. But it was indeed, like what shuwhey said, a warm gathering. People I don't get to see often, people whom are leaving, people I feel comfortable being with, they all are, and I gotta say I love them a lot. More than you thought you know how much it is. And I'm more than grateful to know each and everyone of them. Thanks for everything, including your presence :)
All I wish is this turn out to be a great year. That's all I'm asking for.
[Photo credits to MingHui and ShuWhey]
Michelle Too.
- Nov 11 Mon 2013 00:31
Say something, I'm giving up on you.
"Say something, I'm giving up on you"