1 week break after finishing a system is great. 

at least i've got time to rest my mind out, sleep like the nobody's business ( it is actually :P) then catch up with what i left behind ( although it ain't much... it its always better than nothing) :D

there's a say, 'sleeping is a medical student's luxury'. 

well, i disagree this saying when i first heard because i just couldnt understand how can a person crave for sleep when u're only studying. then slowly, when the days are nearer to the sem1 exam, i start to think, damn i need sleep, im lack of it. and that onwards, i cherish my sleeping time, each and everytime, i'll make sure i have quality sleep :P

sleep rawks :D 

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  • May 01 Tue 2012 16:41
  • words

i've been blogging for years. and yes. i never like to go back and read the post i blogged. because it seemed so childish. and i somehow dont like to face the fact that im childish because i truly believe that i AM mature, at that moment, and a moment later, hahh, i still think that im childish :P 

as you can see, my blog updates are getting less by year. 

not that i dont feel like blogging, but i've got nothing to blog about.
or you can read it as, i suck in words, i suck at writing. 

no matter how good the topic that is for me to blog about, i somehow never type it into words, the sentence that im satisfy with. Never. Just somehow. 

i have friends complaining to me that my blog's dead, and i always reply them with a smile, or a laugh, and continued with, 'yeah im busy', or ' i've got nothing to blog about' 

well, the reason i said i've got nothing to blog about, as i told you, i suck in words, i dont know how to put those feelings into words, it's something deep inside me, it's huge, and it's so condense. and everytime i have those feeling, its when i want to blog about, but i just cant put it into words. ahhhh words, you're killing me.

even when it comes to studies. how much I just wish that im better in language and understanding, so that I can remember things with less effort. 

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you blame, you bitch, you scold ALL THE TIME! and for the wrong reason, EVERYTIME, but not even an apologize after that. 

showing your faces, yes i know that's your superiority, that you're so good at it. -.-

and what i hate the most, is that whenever you bitch, your stare, your glare, and the most annoying shaking head, acting that u're swallowing your saliva. HELL! do u even have that MUCH saliva to swallow? DO YOU? 

could you PLEASE, i beg you, at least get your facts right before you start shouting like a bitch. i dont mind you shaming yourselves but hello, if that's something to do with me, then you're messing with the wrong person.

i'll freaking keep my mouth shut if im the one who's wrong. but im not! 

the older you go, the MORE you dont listen to people, the MORE you dont get your facts right before you start bombarding people around you. 

and you NEVER apologize. 


you always scold us for talking loud (you think), but look who's louder. you said he and his family always talk irrespectfully loud, but aren't you one of them? 
you're shouting EVERY-SINGLE-DAY, without fail. 

you never reflect yourself before you even criticize people. 

im disappointed over you.  

m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

sometimes, u wanted something so badly, and the jealousy comes when you saw other people having it (person/stuffs/jobs, nothing in specific) and u even curse the person who has it. but as time passed, you slowly get use to it, you started thinking, things aint that bad actually, why so persistent? the world ain't gonna end just because u don't get what you want. 

in the end, when that person lost what he/she got, and there goes the 'awwww D:'

i dont know if you people experienced this, but this happens all the time to me. 

you jealous, you get used to it, and when you're finally used to it, things end, you feel sad for them, and you regret. 

m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


it was really fun running around splashing, shooting water to people. 

and im in love with that boy, he's sooooo cute :3

so cute :D   

owh btw, the festival is NOT ONLY about splashing water to each other, there are also performances, and friggin nais food :D  

P/S: life's really good without the need of worrying for exams. 

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i'd never been so tired in my life before college. 

eversince i stepped into college, life's getting busier, time is flying like mad. its like today is monday, the next thing you realize it IS already friday!

and eversince i stepped into uni, my life is full of printing lecture notes, staring at the computer, staring at the lecture notes, locking myself on the chair, and my ass getting bigger and bigger day by day. its really tiring. yet, as i said in the previous post, im happy. not that i'll say i love this life or i dont like life like this, but at least, im happy of what im doing now, no matter how tiring i am.

why am i happy? 

because people around me are mature enough to accept those weakness in me instead of spreading bad words/bitching behind me like what you always see in high school, full of politics. 

also, the reason i love my CAL life, simple enough, people are mature enough to know, which kind of words we should speak, we should take it seriously and which are those who we should just ignore it :) (i miss the PM14s, i really do miss every single member!)

the never ending pile of notes are just keeping me away from thinking about those nonsense. which is... GOOD :D 
i do whatever i like around those people. life is really good :D
we shoot each other, being mean to each other, but no harsh feelings between. isn't life great with all these people around? 

it is, at least to me :)

m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

im busy these days. really busy. 

im tired, really tired. exhausted i mean :p

but im happy. 

no matter what happened are now the past. and what i need to do is to work for the future. ohyeah~

im happy with my life now. no matter how tired, how tough is it. 

and i'll keep fantasizing wes as my motivation. :D

m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

u're doing such stupid things over and over again.
and u think u're always right. stop being so childish.  
u're a male yet u act like a bimbo/bitch.
this is too much.
how much more do i need to tolerate with those shit u're to do?
i hate people who scold people for the wrong/exaggerated reasons and no apologies after that. 

yes u're fking good SPM student. 

and im a fking useless med student. i dont worth any respect even a bit, as a human.
and yes, u, a high school student, wtv post u're holding on scouts which i dont freaking care, u worth much of respect, and u speak fantastic english with what? american accent? oh no, sorry, u're anyhow a high class human, i apologize for being so many class lower than you, i speak manglish, my english sucks, i laugh in the public loudly like no one's there, i burp in your face, im shorter than you, im fat, my high school grades are lower than you, my high school mates cant study as how u can study so much, u're such a genius and im such an idiot, u're so sven, and im rough, u're so educated, u're an intellectual man and i act like im uneducated. yeh maybe, im not as educated as you do and im sorry i cant act as good as you infront of people. 

but hey, when you think u're great, when you think u have such high-class taste, u think u're so educated, so sven, there's always much more people out there, better than you. so what's your point of showing off infront of me how good you are and u dont even dare to talk out there and act emo? 

grow up, kid -.-


m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

can't sleep the night before and u clearly know that u need to wake up early the next morning.

whatever u tried to remember just doesn't stay in your mind for long. no, wait, it's not exactly that but it just happen to flash out much later than u need it and since you can't remember, you start to crap and the fantastic part is u dont even know what the hell are u crapping. it's like a reflex thing, it just comes without you knowing though some might make sense but u know it doesn't make sense most of the time.

then the hands start to get colder, then it shivers, then palm sweats. 

and the mistakes are all over the place. 

ahhh, i have such an awesome nerves.


m213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Mar 23 Fri 2012 03:26
  • life.

I've got so many things in my mind. 
i've got so many plans to work out. 

so many things to buy,
so many things to achieve.

now that im a person with battery 100% charged.
i'm looking forward the days coming.  
and i believe life's gonna be good. 


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this is a cover of me singing skyscraper. 
its imperfect.
and its freaking tiring
because i dont have enough stamina like Demi have. 

anyways, i'd really hope u people enjoy this cover. 
and IGNORE THE THUNDER behind!!!! 

making a cover is what i really wanted to do all these years. 
but i never get satisfied with those covers and ending up deleting it.

i wouldn't say i'm satisfied with this, but at least, not as UNSATISFIED as those previous ones.  


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haha. oops, im scorpio :P 





















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