2days postexam 2 


2days post exam

i love these people :D 

owh and the egg is soooooo nais :D


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no im not gonna talk about studies since its so disappointing. 

imma talk about days after exam instead 
so, this is what i did, slept for 15 mins during OBA and that helps quite alot for the night session. and dayum, its quite nice to sleep actually despite the careless mistake i made tho. :/

so i managed to join the junior's orientation like finallehhhhhhhh
i always wanted to go so badly. and its quite disappointing coz we missed the 1st really really important week, and ended up with ending the conversation within 10lines with them. 

and in case if u dont know, i screamed my lungs out cheering for my beloved group 6, no matter how/what their performance is. as long as there's somebody from group6, there u hear, my scream. i really wanna apologize to those who're standing/sitting around me that time. hope ur eardrums are still in functioning properly? :P

i really love my groupmate. thats it. 

and to the juniors, if that's so happen that u guys actually come across this post, i just wanna say that i dont care whether u people remember me, coz it doesnt matter anymore. im sure that u guys will know that we so called 'sem2s', kononnya, really wanted to join the orientation with u guys, but 1 thing u guys wont know is how we felt, how much we'd actually wish to be part of u guys joining every event with u guys. 

anyways, i had fun entertaining myself, screaming, cheering, kacau-ing, bitching with and sayang all my beloved, U KNOW WHO YOU ARE :) and for those who're not, dont be so busy body, coz u're thinking too much. -.- *bitch stares*

so yeah, everything is all about entertaining ourselves with the belovedS :)
its good to have people u love around u, doing stupid stuffs with u without being concern about ur freaking image. i love u guys <3

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all i want is just get through this. 

i need much luck and miracle. 

May God help me. 

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  • Feb 09 Thu 2012 14:13
  • time

maybe someday, i'll get what i want. 

i need more time. 
i really do need more time.  


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  • Feb 06 Mon 2012 18:54
  • 拥抱








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i wouldn't say im a great fan/no.1 fan of them, coz im not a person who'll do all the posters, all the handmade souvenirs,  toys, blih blah. im not. i'd say im a big fan of them instead. :) 

i... contribute my screaming/shouting to them? 

anyways, i believe most of u know that i went for their SouthEast Asia Tour WF4L! :D
i didnt know that InspireME increased the number of WongFu Fans frm 300 to a thousand. i mean, that is crazy!
i thought i was that lucky enough to be one of the 300.. :P
i didn't know that until yesterday when i was there queueing up for the meet and greet session. 
 the queue was freaking long. LONGGGGGGG
and im thinking, this.. is not 300, right? and i asked people around me and THAT TIME only i found out!

1st time seeing Malaysian being so kiasu, waiting for HOURS before the time even come.
 heard people even reach taylors to queue up at 1pm for the meet and greet session???

but nyah.... who cares?? the most important thing is, we ALL ENJOYED!
Wes and Phil, the fans, the performers, the emcee, some but not all staffs :P

it was a great night, heh, phil and wes are soooo huggable
sorry if i scared both of you with such a craziness but i really couldn't help seeing people i love that always appear on my computer screen appearing infront of me for real. 



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i dont know how true is this, but i received this as an email and it says....

Keep Walking..... Because...
The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot.
If you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains as you can see the heart is on the left foot. 

Typically they are shown as points and arrows to show which organ it connects to.

It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here.

This is covered in great details in Acu-pressure studies.
God created our body so well that he thought of even this.
He made us walk so that we will always be pressing these pressure points and thus keeping these organs activated at all times.

So, keep walking....... LIVE LONGER !!!!!

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i dont know about you people, but i'll go hyper whenever i see my friends no matter how shitty i feel inside. 

class' great after the 1 week of CNY off. i mean, CNY! the number of angpaos received doesnt really matter to me coz CNY is all about reunion! meeting your.. ... ... long-time-no-see family members! your cousins, your fun AHNTY and UNCOs! owh and.. FOOD! :D CNY cookies! nom nom noms~

i wasnt in the CNY mood till the 1st day of CNY, 12am :P the mood came in only after wishing everyone i know (most of u) why is that so late? ehem. because, A MED STUDENT IS LIFELESS!!!! imagine, u have to study during ur CNY, when u're suppose to eat, sleep, play, receive angpaos and repeat! haha. okay okay, i know im exagarrating. yes. being a med student is lifeless. but in MY case, its because my exam's around the corner. so yeah. 

im a kiasu person, i don't wanna fail. and i can guarantee, no one would LOVE to fail in anything in their life. 

anyways, back to topic. i expected this year's CNY will be boring, lifeless, etc. tho i didnt do much things during the 1 week break but when people asked me about my 1 week off, i somehow tend to reply them with.. AWESOME! from what i remember, what i did was, receive angpao, eat, watch tv, online, do some unproductive study, sleep, talk.. .. ..  and thats seemed to be all.... owh and walk around with my family! :D idk if i changed, but i find listening to my family's stories' interesting. yes. including my aunts', uncles', cousins' bitching session! owh well, bitching sessions are always interesting. :P

now that im back in subang, classes started, i miss my AHNTIS, my UNCOs, my cousins, my cousins' kids. why are my family so cute? :3


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  • Jan 27 Fri 2012 22:06
  • CNY

its been a sweet CNY this time :)
things i didnt expected came in sweetly. 
the only thing i hope is to keep this sweetness going throughout the year, even CNY's over. 


btw, the sweetest thing about this CNY,
he's been a cutie so far. 10 months old baybeh. <3
following me everywhere even to my room!
and guess what, he'll make all sorta noises but bark just to make me come down and release him frm being tied up.

smart dog :P 



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"Study's a very hard thing to do u know? u must be determined and discplined enough to clear your mind out and sit down there and study" - Ms annie

frankly, i didnt really get what she meant until recently. i mean, why is it so hard to sit down, and clear my mind off and study? why is that so hard? it's either im distracted or i feel sleepy a few minutes later. and then, wtv i read are outta my mind. 

it's like i can do anything for HOURS than studying. i can stare at some white boring plain wall for hours than studying efficiently, i can watch tv and rmb everything there than studying efficiently, i can youtube for hours, i can fb for hours, i can chat for hours, etc. 

anything but studying efficiently. W.H.Y!

its depressing realizing the fact that people studying so much lesser than u, and they can remember things better, u studied more, but u remember nothing. feeling like an useless bimbo facing the stack of notes and remember nothing. 

P/S: this is not an emo post. 
its more of a bitching ones.  


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